Quality 401(k) audits at half the cost
Easier, faster and more affordable for everyone.
401(k) ERISA Section 103(a)(3)(C) Audit Fees
(formerly known as Limited Scope Audit Fees)

Our base fee for the audited financial statements starts at $10,000
At CJ CPAs, we have a steadfast commitment to alleviating the complexities associated with 401(k) audits. In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, where teams and organizations are geographically dispersed, our experienced CPAs are dedicated to ensuring your compliance with federal regulations with minimal disruption. We understand that businesses are seeking ways to optimize costs and empower their teams to excel in remote work environments.
Our streamlined 401(k) auditing process reduces the burden on management and HR teams typically associated with their 401(k) audits.
Get Started On Your 401(k) Audit Today!
401(k) Cost Benefits
We deliver unmatched compliance documentation and savings for recordkeepers and clients, while saving significant time for your audit support personnel.
CJ CPAs 401(k) Audit
Historical 401(k) audit methodology
Certified CPAs
Member of AICPA EBP Audit Quality Center
Remote Audit
Nationwide Service
Firm Dependent
Remote Audit
Less than 40 hours
More than 80 hours
Plan Sponsor Time to Support an Audit
Typically 8 hours or less
20 hours or more
Total Fees
Starting at $10,000*
$15,000 + Expenses
Certified CPAs
Member of AICPA EBP
Audit Quality Center
Remote Audit
Nationwide Service
Remote Audit
Plan Sponsor Time to
Support an Audit
Total Fee
CJ CPAs 401(k) Audit
Less than 40 hours
8 hours or less
Starting at
401(k) Audit
More than 80 hours
20 hours or more
*Additional Charges
if applicable
If your plan has any of the following special circumstances an additional fee will be assessed.
• If the plan was not audited in the prior year
• If the plan has more than 1,000 employees
• If the custodian or payroll provided changed during the year
• For a major operational defect that requires correction
Examples of operational defects that require corrections include:
• If eligible compensation is incorrectly calculated
• If employee deferrals were not submitted on a timely basis
• If employee contributions are incorrectly calculated
Please note that the pricing information provided on this page is specifically for 401(k) audits. For pricing details and information regarding our other services, we kindly request you to get in touch with us directly. Our team of professionals is ready to assist you and provide tailored solutions based on your unique requirements.
Reach out to us today to discuss your specific needs and explore how we can support your business in achieving its goals.